Saturday, July 18, 2009

The latest news!

Maya, Me, Matt, and STACY
Grubbin in the backyard

Can you believe we live right around the corner from this?

Looks like POOL water but it isn't...

Uncle O with Jaron...

Living in Hawaii brings reunions between friends because of the sole purpose that reuniting in PARADISE makes everything too perfect. All of us in this picture have all come from Federal Way Washington!! Dayla in on bottom in black: has been my girly from way back since H.S. and Matt another H.S. classmate in the gray shirt with his girlfriend stacy in white were visiting family on Oahu and decided to hop a flight over to Kona! My brother and his wife Maya in Pink also obviously are from the same place and it was crazy fun knowing that we Would happen to all be in Kona all these years later! Debbie is a co-worker of mine when we worked for Alaska Airlines together. She was really my heart when I was a single mom going through my divorce. She really was the best person I could've ever met and I'm so glad that she decided to come hang out with me and the family! We truly did have an awesome time. She is like a mother to me and I'm looking forward to many more visits soon!

Aryn was too excited to get her teeth cleaned...

Kennan was so relaxed it actually was SHOCKING! since he usually is the first to cry bloody murder!

My poor Jaron...hated me after this...but you know what it didn't hurt him not one bit! They are so awesome at changing words like : SHOTS= sleepy juice that lets your tooth take a nap...or plaque into "SUGAR BUGS" and flouride into "Can I paint your teeth"... I guess when working with children, it makes it easier when you can break it down to them in a more fun way to take care of your teeth! It was a long day...but someone had to do it huh??


Gina woodhouse said...

You are so blessed to live in Paradise and have great friends come to visit you! Enjoy and I'll see you out there one of these years!

Erika said...

I can't wait to catch up! You have so many wonderful pictures!


Erika said...

I have lots of pictures to email you... and that project... I still need that song... but I don't have your email! Email me!!! My first name, then a dot, then my last name then the at sign, and I use HoTmAiL dot com (sorry... preventing spam).

I might need some of your pics too...


stoelupe said...

I'm cracking up at da boys @ da dentist cuz Kennan represented Bronx @ age 3 (yes, 3)...and Jaron represented Bronx @ age 4 & 5...I don't know why but he hates it now. LOL!