Friday, May 8, 2009

These pix needed to get posted~

Mana's 10 yr old Cousin Alisi was visiting from Seattle Washington! We loved having her, and the girls had so much fun with her and so did I. I had to capture this moment, with them all kickin back in our front yard! They are going to look back on this and remember how much fun this week was!

Uncle Kenji was visiting from California! We were saying Good bye to him...but he'll be back in December~!
These crazy girls crack me up so bad...............

I'm so proud of my lil monkeys! I just started training them about 3 days ago and they were so ready to do this. I think it took me to make the first move of encouragement! Gotta get them ready for preschool in August! I think we did pretty darn good especially training TWO 2 1/2 yr old toddlers! Good Job boys!

More Craziness

We love Uncle Kenji

More Proud Potty Pictures!

1 comment:

hine.T said...

Lovin' the potty training. Brooky fell off the wagon recently, which is frustrating. Put a pamper on her and she's ready to go potty more often then not...put her in an underwear / pullup, and it's ova!